At Polypipe we offer the complete range of pipe systems to meet the requirements of the water industry, from smaller sized pipes such as Polysewer (150-300mm) and Ridgisewer (400-900mm) to larger diameter Ridgistorm-XL (750-3000mm), all with a design life in excess of 100 years. Our pipe systems are complemented with a full range of pre-fabricated chambers and manholes.
Our innovative water management systems have been carefully designed and engineered, making them the ideal choice for large-scale capital works schemes. They are also perfectly suited to surface water, sewerage and combined sewer applications and are accepted by all UK water companies.
With WRc approved products for sewer systems, flood alleviation schemes, water treatment works, pumping stations and combined sewer overflows, every application is covered by a system that is also water company approved. Our systems are also fully compliant with the requirements of Civil Engineering Specification for Water Industry (CESWI) and Sewers for Adoption.
Ridgistorm-XL has a design life in excess of 100 years and by analyzing site conditions and installation parameters, the system can be engineered to exact stiffness classifications so that it meets the required loading specification for a project without being over or under specified.
Our systems and support are designed to help you plan each project in terms of total expenditure (TOTEX), and deliver value over its whole life.
Our RIDGISTORMAccess Manholes and RIDGISTORMControl Flap Valve, Gate Valve and Penstock Chambers are engineered taking into account project specific requirements. Being pre-fabricated and delivered to site as a one-piece solution not only reduces the cost of works by reducing downtime, it also improves Health and Safety onsite.
Pre-fabricated dry weather flow channels for our Ridgistorm-XL pipe system are also available.
As Polypipe thermoplastic pipe systems are so much lighter than traditional materials such as concrete, they are inherently superior in terms of on-site Health and Safety. Additionally, our manholes and chambers have integral lifting points for safer installation, while Guardrail Assemblies and safety chains are carefully designed to provide optimum Health & Safety conditions during inspection and maintenance activities.
Ridgisewer is a range of structured wall gravity sewer pipes and features six sizes from 400-900mm. The range includes a complete system of couplings, seals, bends, junctions, specialist fabrications and saddles.
Ridgistorm-XL is an engineered thermoplastic large diameter pipe system, in diameters 750-3000mm, for use in a wide variety of applications including surface water, foul water, combined sewers, large scale flood alleviation schemes, renewable energy and even displacement ventilation.
Polypipe supplied two of its Ridgistorm-XL pipes, designed to suit the site-specific requirements of the project to consolidate three existing CSO chambers into one. The...
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