Benefits of Urban Trees


Making space for water
Enhanced storage capacity by integrating geocellular or pipe solutions. 


Surface water management
Source level flow control adds water treatment.


Water quality
Offers source control treatment of silt via soil matrix and inclusion of treatment geotextiles.


Creating attractive green spaces in urban areas that wouldn’t usually be available. 


Enables easy integration into various designs, provides aesthetics, increase in vegetation, adds water treatment. 


Health & wellbeing
Enabling the inclusion of spaces such as cycle paths, play areas, open spaces on podium areas that wouldn’t otherwise exist.


Quality habitat for wildlife and plants, which can be added to both new and existing urban areas.


Evaporative cooling
Tree canopies can provide shade for cooling, and evaporate intercepted storm water from the leaves (evapotranspiration). Can also reflect sunlight. 


Asset creation
Addition of gardens/green spaces can increase the aesthetic look of an area adding value to the property.