All Traffic Conditions
Permavoid can be incorporated into the full range of traffic conditions from domestic driveways to HGV applications, and is suitable below pervious and impervious asphaltic, block paved or concrete paved areas. The system complies with the requirements of BS 7533-13 and incorporates a high vertical compressive strength of 715kN/m² and lateral compressive strength of 156kN/m².
High Water Table
With high water tables and even perched water at shallow depth, anti-floatation and temporary dewatering measures are invariably very expensive. The Permavoid system can provide the attenuation or infiltration required, whilst avoiding groundwater issues.
Contaminated Land
Ground contamination issues are commonplace when redeveloping brownfield sites. Permavoid shallow attenuation or infiltration structures can very often avoid the costly need to excavate into contaminated soils, and all the associated off-site disposal costs and environmental issues.
Hard Rock
The Permavoid system is ideal for sites underlain by hard rock at shallow depth. With the system incorporated into the pavement construction, no additional excavation is required for the drainage system.
Shallow Outfalls
Shallow Permavoid systems can very often avoid the need for pumping required by conventional drainage or deep attenuation tank solutions. Pumped solutions are costly to install and maintain, and considered to be environmentally unsustainable.
Limited Access Sites
Permavoid can be easily manhandled into place without any heavy lifting or off-loading equipment. The footprint of the tank does not have to be square. Segmented tanks can fit into whatever space is available.
Ground Stabilisation
Due to its high compressive strength and bending resistance within joints, Permavoid cells create a horizontal consistent structural raft providing a stable structure.