The very first twinwall surface water drainage system in the UK with Highways Authority Product Approval Scheme (HAPAS) status, Ridgidrain is used for non-pressurised surface and sub-surface drainage applications.
A good quality product speedily installed is the key to success on today's road and highway projects.
At Polypipe we have a proven ability to work on the necessary scale: the manufacturing capacity to produce the required quantities, the logistics and fleet resources to deliver everything you need on time from a single source for surface water drainage, adoptable sewers, SuDs and cable protection systems.
Our engineered thermoplastic systems are lighter than traditional materials, requiring less heavy plant and smaller teams during construction, and resulting in quicker installation. Health and Safety can also be enhanced by working with Polypipe - a major consideration when working on a live highway.
Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm-XL offer the widest range of surface water drainage systems and have been successfully installed nationwide on various highways projects.
Polysewer, Ridgisewer and Ridgistorm XL meet all necessary compliance requirements to be adopted by water companies under Sewerage Sector Guidance. For more information visit polypipe.com/plot-twist.
We can also offer sustainable drainage systems (SuDS) for the storage of large volumes of surface water at the side of the road, including our innovative Ridgistorm-XL large diameter pipe system and Polystorm geocellular range. They can be used for either attenuation or infiltration depending on the ground conditions. RIDGISTORMCheck Chambers can be utilised for flow control in attenuation applications.
We can complement these systems with a range of surface water treatment solutions, such as SciCloneX, RIDGISTORMSeparate, Ridgitreat and Permatreat, which can be used to separate everything from silt and debris through to heavy metal pollutants, improving the quality of water entering the watercourse.
We provide an extensive range of cable access, management and protection solutions to help deliver fast and efficient jouneys to all road users. With recognised names such as Apex, SubTerra MCX, Ridgiduct and Ridgicoil our solutions are tried and tested to offer easy installation with high performance qualities, manufactured from up to 100% recycled material.
Our Ridgidrain and Ridgistorm XL surface water drainage pipes and Ridgiduct cable protection ranges are BBA HAPAS approved.
The very first twinwall surface water drainage system in the UK with Highways Authority Product Approval Scheme (HAPAS) status, Ridgidrain is used for non-pressurised surface and sub-surface drainage applications.
A range of structured wall gravity sewer pipes and fittings, available in diameters from 150-900mm. The complete system includes a range of couplings, seals, bends, junctions and accessories.
An engineered large diameter pipe system, from 750-3000mm, for use on road infrastructure for drainage, sewerage and flood alleviation schemes.
Providing a unique and comprehensive service through our in-house fabrication facility, we are able to create fully engineered solutions to precisely match specific project requirements.
Ridgicoil is a coiled twinwall cable protection, manufactured from polyethylene with excellent impact resistance even at low temperatures. It has exceptional durability with flexibility which eliminates the need for special bends. With a smooth bore, Ridgicoil has a low co-efficient of friction for ease of cable installation.
Motorway communication chambers are part of the complete solution offered by Polypipe for the installation of highway communications cables.
Polypipe Ridgistorm-XL large diameter pipe and chambers have been installed beneath a live carriageway, in an innovative design solution that saves space while providing...
View Case Study >Polypipe products were specified as part of the Norwich Northern Distribution Road (NDR) scheme, with the company supplying Ridgidrain together with Ridgistorm-XL large...
View Case Study >Galliford Try has selected a Ridgistorm-XL large diameter piping system from Polypipe for use in vital road improvement works on the A5. The A5 Highway Infrastructure...
View Case Study >Concrete pipe was originally specified in diameters up to 600mm, however Polypipe were able to break the specification as its products could be installed quicker – an...
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