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Polystorm Access Datasheet

Polystorm Access provides a 1m x 0.5m shaft within a Polystorm geocellular structure to enable surface access for remote camera inspection and maintenance activities such as flushing and rodding.
How Polystorm Access Works
The system consists of a 500mm diameter shaft which extends from surface level to the top of a Polystorm structure, at which point a turret provides an interface between the shaft and the inspection chamber within the Polystorm structure. At the bottom of the chamber, a base unit interlocks with the surrounding layer of Polystorm cells whilst supporting the geomembrane. A 350mm reduced access shaft cap is provided to comply with inspection chamber regulations.
Works With Any Polystorm Cell
Polystorm Access is suitable for use with Polystorm-R, Polystorm, Polystorm Lite and Polystorm Xtra. It may be combined with Polystorm Inspect for full length remote inspection and maintenance.
Features & Benefits