Chemical Soil & Waste systems for Commercial Buildings
Terrain FUZE and Terrain PVC Soil & Waste Pipe Systems can be used for a range of chemical applications due to their chemical resistance characteristics. This makes Terrain Soil & Waste Pipe Systems ideal for use in laboratories, hospitals and educational establishments, as well as a number of other commercial drainage applications.
For a guide to the chemical resistance of pipe materials please see the document on the right.
Find out more about our chemical soil & waste systems by visiting:
The information in these tables has been supplied by other reputable sources and is to be used ONLY as a guide in selecting equipment for appropriate chemical compatibility. Before permanent installation, test the equipment with the chemicals and under the specific conditions of your application. Ratings of chemical behaviour listed in this chart apply to a 48-hr exposure period; We have no knowledge of possible effects beyond this period. We do not warrant (neither express or implied) that the information in this chart is accurate or complete or that any material is suitable for any purpose.