Retaining Walls

In order to stabilise very steep slopes, retaining walls are constructed. Traditional retaining wall structures are constructed of concrete blocks or wooden facias combined with one or more layers of reinforcement (geogrids, metal strips etc.) extending into the soil mass.


This type of wall can be very expensive due to the cost of the facia materials. Instead, using InfraWeb serves as both the facia and the reinforcing element. The cells not only hold the soil in place, they also provide drainage throughout the structure.


An InfraWeb gravity wall is constructed by filling the cells with local, soil and/ or aggregate. An additional benefit is that the outer cells can be vegetated, thus giving the wall a pleasing and environmentally compatible look.


The size of the expanded InfraWeb panels increases the effective thickness of the retaining wall. This in turn enables the construction of walls of considerable height without restroing to the use of additional reinforcing elements.

  • Infraweb Tree Root Protection

    Vehicular traffic over unprotected areas within the tree root protection zones of existing trees causes compaction of sub soils leading to reduced voids within the soil structure. This reduces air and water transfer to the roots themselves which can ultimately lead to the root 



  • Ground Stabilisation

    Cellular confinement systems serve to spread loads that are imposed upon the system. Furthermore, in many instances it is possible to use locally avaliable, inexpensive aggregates in a multitude of stabilisation projects such as: roads, access lanes, 

  • Erosion Control

    Erosion occurs when the forces exerted by water of wind dislodge and transport away soil particles. 


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